Hudson Valley HomeBrewers,inc.

The HVHB News and Web site are publications of Hudson Valley Home Brewers, Inc (HVHB).The HVHB is an educationally oriented, not-for-profit society that serves members of the Mid-Hudson Valley area, NY. 

The HVHB was founded to fulfill the following purposes: 

  • To promote public awareness of home brewing 
  • To improve and encourage our brewing skills through education and instruction, recipe  exchange, cooperative brewing, competitions and tasting 
  • To learn more about better beer by sharing our collective knowledge 
  • To learn to become good beer judges and help others constructively to improve their  brewing skills 
  • To have good fellowship and assume personal responsibility for drinking within reason. 

The opinions expressed are those of the HVHB President, Newsletter & Web editors, and contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of HVHB. Any articles not credited were written by:

Newsletter Editors:

  • Phil Van Itallie (2014 to present)
  • Dann Gavaletz (? to 2014) Rob Haiber (11/1989 to ?/199?)
  • Dan ? (?/199? to 5/1995)
  • Jim Taylor (6/1995 to 12/1996)
  • Ray Sykes (1/1997 to 12/1998)
  • Lee Fraitag (1/1999 to 11/1999)
  • Claude Dixon (12/1999 to 9/2002)
  • Rocco Rizzo (10/2002 to ?)

Web Content owners and site maintainance:

  • Hudson Valley Home Brewers, Inc
HVHB welcomes letters, opinions, suggestions, articles, recipes, etc., from members and readers. Items will be published as space permits on a first-come, first-served basis. Include your name and phone number on the material submitted. 

Send correspondence to: 

Newsletter: Recording Secretary
Web Site:

All articles herein (except those taken from other sources) can be republished without prior approval providing proper credit is given to the author and Hudson Valley Home Brewers, Inc

Send a copy to the above U.S. mail address.

This page (C)opyright 2015 by Hudson Valley Home Brewers, Inc
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